===== Resources on digital safety ===== * [[https://digitalfirstaid.org/en/|DFAK]]: the digital first aid kit * [[https://artistsatriskconnection.org/guide|A Safety Guide for Artists]], un guide de Pen America * [[https://cpj.org/2019/09/digital-safety-remove-personal-data-internet/|Digital Safety: Remove personal data from the internet]] * [[https://securityinabox.org/en/|Security in a box]] : specifically aimed at activists and human rights defenders * [[https://securityplanner.consumerreports.org/|Security planner]]: Keep Your Data Secure With a Personalized Plan * [[https://www.bejarano.io/hardening-macos/|Hardening macOS]] * [[https://usesoap.app/|Soap]]: The free and simple tool that enables civil society organizations to build better security policies * [[https://ssd.eff.org/|Surveillance self defense guide]] By EFF : one of the best guide out there with tutorials, overviews articles and detailed guides for specific situations. * [[https://gendersec.tacticaltech.org/wiki/index.php/Complete_manual|Zen and the art of making tech work for you]]: a community-built resource for women and trans activists, human rights defenders and technologists * [[https://rsf.org/sites/default/files/guide_journaliste_rsf_2015_en_0.pdf|Reporters Whitout Borders Safety Guide for Journalists]] include a specific chapters on digital safety * [[https://exposingtheinvisible.org/|Exposing the invisible]] more about new tools of online investigation than sources protection